Sunday, February 25, 2007

Crime and Punishment...and Incompetence

Everyone has hear plenty of stupid criminal stories, but stupid police stories are a bit rarer...

A mentally-ill man was arrested for "stealing" a Pepsi from Wallmart, and not even a 2-liter...

So he went to jail, probably to spend the day, but decided to stay for a bit longer.

17 months later, the police realized that even though they listed him as released, he was still in jail...

Talk about oversight.

Original article: (;_ylt=AuKl4Y9uXBMJzKIexyBX.UMsQE4F)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Talk about lucky...

I ran across this news article a couple days ago, and am still amazed by it...

A skydiver went to jump from 15,000 ft. and had his parachute(s) fail to deploy...
Thats a full minute and a half of hang time looking at the ground..

I wonder what was going through his head, and I'm sure you are wondering why I'm putting something so morbid up...

The man managed to survive, with somewhat minimal injuries, all because he landed in a thorn bush. (granted falling into a torn bush going god knows how fast must not have been pleasent)

On top of that if he had landed 5ft to the left or right he would have landed on a nice soft tree stump, or better yet a parking lot.

I wonder how long it will be before he decides to jump again.

Original article here: (

Monday, February 12, 2007

First Post

Well, here is the first post on my new blog.

Guess I'm going to have to give up my boycott of blogging.

Heres to being another self-made expert on whatever topic I choose to write about.